Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tonight's A2 workout and my times next to the intervals:
1600@ 10k pace; jog an 800; 7:55
2x800 @ 5k pace; jog 400 in between; 3:43, 3:43
1600 @ 10k pace; jog an 800; 7:59
1600 @ marathon pace; 8:15
I'm improving. I like feeling stronger and having good running buddies to push me!
1600@ 10k pace; jog an 800; 7:55
2x800 @ 5k pace; jog 400 in between; 3:43, 3:43
1600 @ 10k pace; jog an 800; 7:59
1600 @ marathon pace; 8:15
I'm improving. I like feeling stronger and having good running buddies to push me!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
long run with buddies!
Distance: 10.98 miles
Time: 1:49:00 (1:08 with buddies)
Pace: 9:56/mile
Temperature: 10 degrees
I met my girl CRC buddies Krista and Zena on the corner of Mass Ave and Beacon Street this morning around 10:00 a.m. Clad in tons of winter layers, we headed down the Charles River on the Boston side toward the Eliot Bridge. About an hour of good conversation and stomping through ice later, we had rounded the Eliot Bridge and reached Mass Ave again. We parted ways on the Cambridge side of the river and have made plans for a run near Boston College this Saturday! I am psyched to have girl running buddies here. They've inspired me to set a new goal: 1:45:00 in the 2009 Boston Half Marathon.
Time: 1:49:00 (1:08 with buddies)
Pace: 9:56/mile
Temperature: 10 degrees
I met my girl CRC buddies Krista and Zena on the corner of Mass Ave and Beacon Street this morning around 10:00 a.m. Clad in tons of winter layers, we headed down the Charles River on the Boston side toward the Eliot Bridge. About an hour of good conversation and stomping through ice later, we had rounded the Eliot Bridge and reached Mass Ave again. We parted ways on the Cambridge side of the river and have made plans for a run near Boston College this Saturday! I am psyched to have girl running buddies here. They've inspired me to set a new goal: 1:45:00 in the 2009 Boston Half Marathon.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I've been plugging away at the gym, mostly running and swimming. I had a really fast (treadmill) run on Saturday that leads me to believe either a) my treadmill is calibrated differently from the ones at the gym and makes it seem like I am going faster and/or burning more calories at the same programmed pace/time, or b) I have increased my fitness and endurance already. I suspect it's both (i.e., 7.0 on the treadmill at home is still faster than 6.6 on the treadmill at home). My basic regime is (reluctant) weightlifting a few days a week, a class here and there (yoga or spinning), running 4-6 miles most days (long runs excepted), and swimming 30-50 laps pretty much every time I'm at the gym. This means my hair always smells vaguely of chlorine and I'm constantly doing laundry.
Anyway, I feel faster, or like my heart rate is lower when I'm running at the same, or a faster pace. I also feel like by going to the gym even when I don't want to, and sticking to my schedule (swimming 50 laps when I want to quit at 30, running 6 miles when 4 feels like enough), I've made a habit or practice of working out. I write out what I'm going to do and I follow through. It's not as fun as running outside, but there's still a certain sense of achievement (and SportsCenter on loop is its own kind of bliss), and certainly some tangible improvement in fitness. My weight even seems to be down a few pounds. I think it will be really exciting to see how I feel when I can get out on the roads again!
Ordered Brain Training for Runners, which employs some analogous theories to Chi Running (I had skimmed it when I had it from the library, but had to return it before I got much use out of it) and The Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Running. The latter is part of a series (some thirty sport-specific guides in print, which made me a little leery) and features a somewhat silly-looking demonstrator, but I like the concision of the text and plans and the ease with which I can follow the plans. Also, I only have to do four exercises on a given day.
Anyway, I feel faster, or like my heart rate is lower when I'm running at the same, or a faster pace. I also feel like by going to the gym even when I don't want to, and sticking to my schedule (swimming 50 laps when I want to quit at 30, running 6 miles when 4 feels like enough), I've made a habit or practice of working out. I write out what I'm going to do and I follow through. It's not as fun as running outside, but there's still a certain sense of achievement (and SportsCenter on loop is its own kind of bliss), and certainly some tangible improvement in fitness. My weight even seems to be down a few pounds. I think it will be really exciting to see how I feel when I can get out on the roads again!
Ordered Brain Training for Runners, which employs some analogous theories to Chi Running (I had skimmed it when I had it from the library, but had to return it before I got much use out of it) and The Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Running. The latter is part of a series (some thirty sport-specific guides in print, which made me a little leery) and features a somewhat silly-looking demonstrator, but I like the concision of the text and plans and the ease with which I can follow the plans. Also, I only have to do four exercises on a given day.
Monday, January 19, 2009
the race that didn't happen and short run today
Yesterday's Frostbite 15K was canceled due to snow (ironic) so I ended up sleeping through Mean Girls and Princess Diaries on the couch rather than running. Today I did 3.04 miles through Cambridge in 30:57. The only eventful item of the run: getting splashed head to toe by a car on Prospect Street. My pedestrian road rage came out in full force after that, and I spent the rest of the run crankily stomping through more puddles and snow.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
long run today
Distance: 9.85 miles
Time: 1:43:09
Pace: 10:27/mile
Temperature: 10 degrees (feels like -1)
Time of Day: 10:30 a.m.
This week's run felt infinitely better than last week's. I chalk it up to 14 hours of sleep, taking a Gu, and not having to fight through piles of snow. I accidentally overslept my CRC long run after going to bed at 7:30 p.m. and not waking up until 8:00 a.m. Oops. That wrecked my January resolution #3, but at least I got to do a run.
Time: 1:43:09
Pace: 10:27/mile
Temperature: 10 degrees (feels like -1)
Time of Day: 10:30 a.m.
This week's run felt infinitely better than last week's. I chalk it up to 14 hours of sleep, taking a Gu, and not having to fight through piles of snow. I accidentally overslept my CRC long run after going to bed at 7:30 p.m. and not waking up until 8:00 a.m. Oops. That wrecked my January resolution #3, but at least I got to do a run.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Possible win.
I just found out I can, in fact, run ten miles on a treadmill if need be.
Win? or fail?
Win? or fail?
As for "new sights," I watched this (uh, 1.5 times) in the Cardio Cinema (image from about.com).
Sunday, January 11, 2009
long run
Distance: 7.1 miles
Time: 1:20:00
Pace: 11:16/mile
Time of Day: 11:50 a.m.
Temperature/Weather: 22 degrees/snowing
Crispy winter running is awesome. Snowy, non-shoveled sidewalk winter running when you are coughing up a lung...not so much. My feet felt like they were going to fall off after repeatedly going through piles of slush and snow. I'm halfway to where I'm supposed to be for this week's long run (oops) but I'm not going to beat myself up about being behind anymore.
Time: 1:20:00
Pace: 11:16/mile
Time of Day: 11:50 a.m.
Temperature/Weather: 22 degrees/snowing
Crispy winter running is awesome. Snowy, non-shoveled sidewalk winter running when you are coughing up a lung...not so much. My feet felt like they were going to fall off after repeatedly going through piles of slush and snow. I'm halfway to where I'm supposed to be for this week's long run (oops) but I'm not going to beat myself up about being behind anymore.
Friday, January 9, 2009
gym rat
Well, I joined a gym. The staff know I run, and run a lot and have (jokingly, I hope) threatened to pull me off the treadmills. BUT, they have a different movie everyday that plays on a wall in a CINEMA (I kid you not) with rows and rows of cardio equipment in it! At first, I thought it was kind of lame, but as the threat of an 18- to 20-miler on a treadmill looms (along with the forecast), maybe running while watching “The Dark Knight,” or ANYTHING is the way to go. Today, I did about three miles at a tempo-y pace (6.6 MPH, or 9:05), then swam some 12-14 laps (I gather that’s something like fifth of a mile?). I have a (free!) appointment with a very beefy and blonde trainer on Monday morning; I will wait for his advice to start a lifting program.
My RoadID arrived and is lovely and red. I strapped it on my wrist this morning as I headed for the towpath. Not that it was visible under the layers (nor was I ever unconscious, so…win?). For once, I planned effectively for the temperature (tights under old man pants, wicking tee, compression mock, windbreaker, hat, gloves, trail shoes) and kept warm (and upright) without overheating. I opted for six miles instead of twelve (and gladly so! There were some massive paw prints in the snow that I only noticed on the way back. I would not have been able to outrun a beast of such size at the end of a longer run).
I’ve been reading ChiRunning, by Danny Dreyer, and tried working today on posture, and I ’m pretty sure that was the fastest six miles I’ve ever run (threat of a beastie, notwithstanding). I implore you, read the book! I find most books on running theory or training spout the same advice over and over again (which is great if you haven’t heard it before), but I think ChiRunning might just (or could just) revolutionize how we run. The rest of my reading list includes a book on treadmill training from the library, and another on weight training for runners (the latter of which I so far like).
So it’s been going really well. I’ve been nailing 30-32 miles per week (half indoor, half outdoor- better than I expected to be able to do this winter), and am now adding cross-training and lifting. My weight went down a couple of pounds, but hasn’t dropped like I thought it would with more consistent mileage. I will bring this up with the beefcake, too.
Update: the BUSATS guys have my money and I’m definitely in the raffle, so keep your fingers crossed that I get that number (which I will take as a sign that I am destined to do it)!
My RoadID arrived and is lovely and red. I strapped it on my wrist this morning as I headed for the towpath. Not that it was visible under the layers (nor was I ever unconscious, so…win?). For once, I planned effectively for the temperature (tights under old man pants, wicking tee, compression mock, windbreaker, hat, gloves, trail shoes) and kept warm (and upright) without overheating. I opted for six miles instead of twelve (and gladly so! There were some massive paw prints in the snow that I only noticed on the way back. I would not have been able to outrun a beast of such size at the end of a longer run).

So it’s been going really well. I’ve been nailing 30-32 miles per week (half indoor, half outdoor- better than I expected to be able to do this winter), and am now adding cross-training and lifting. My weight went down a couple of pounds, but hasn’t dropped like I thought it would with more consistent mileage. I will bring this up with the beefcake, too.
Update: the BUSATS guys have my money and I’m definitely in the raffle, so keep your fingers crossed that I get that number (which I will take as a sign that I am destined to do it)!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
CRC track workout
Tonight started our higher volume workouts at a moderate pace going the opposite direction on the MIT indoor track.
10-25:00 easy, 6 x 60 meter strides, drills
A1 6x1000m at 8k pace w/ 4:00
A2 5x above workout
Our coach split us into groups (faster than 7:00 pace, slower than 7:00 pace). I ended up going with the A1 > 7:00 pace group because I couldn't see who he gave the A2 > 7:00 workout sheet to. I've gotten used to running by myself because I always thought I was the slowest in the A2 group. Today I ran the first interval with two new girls and felt like I could push myself harder, so I did the second one on my own. For the last three, I picked up with a group of four others. I was surprised to find out that I'd run them all much faster than I thought--when I'd run by myself at earlier winter track workouts, I hadn't gotten above 8:3o pace. I'm psyched--at the gym I'm going to start pushing myself to run above 7.0 mph for more of my treadmill runs. I'm now inspired to aim for a 7:30/mile 5K by the end of the year.
5:03 (8:05 pace)
4:39 (7:26 pace)
4:36 (7:22 pace)
4:39 (7:26 pace)
4:40 (7:28 pace)
10-25:00 easy, 6 x 60 meter strides, drills
A1 6x1000m at 8k pace w/ 4:00
A2 5x above workout
Our coach split us into groups (faster than 7:00 pace, slower than 7:00 pace). I ended up going with the A1 > 7:00 pace group because I couldn't see who he gave the A2 > 7:00 workout sheet to. I've gotten used to running by myself because I always thought I was the slowest in the A2 group. Today I ran the first interval with two new girls and felt like I could push myself harder, so I did the second one on my own. For the last three, I picked up with a group of four others. I was surprised to find out that I'd run them all much faster than I thought--when I'd run by myself at earlier winter track workouts, I hadn't gotten above 8:3o pace. I'm psyched--at the gym I'm going to start pushing myself to run above 7.0 mph for more of my treadmill runs. I'm now inspired to aim for a 7:30/mile 5K by the end of the year.
5:03 (8:05 pace)
4:39 (7:26 pace)
4:36 (7:22 pace)
4:39 (7:26 pace)
4:40 (7:28 pace)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
have you tried a woodway?

The second floor Wang YMCA cardio room now sports two Woodway treadmills. These treadmills supposedly allow the user to power them while they are in dynamic mode. I tried this today to no avail. Have any of you ever successfully used a Woodway treadmill?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Maybe I'll bounce back
Midnight runnaz, unite. Happy New Year, leggies.
20 minutes, 1.25 miles. Trickling rain, melting in the wall behind my treadmill. Soundtrack: Indiesouprunner.com - 2 hour marathon mix (hour 2).
20 minutes, 1.25 miles. Trickling rain, melting in the wall behind my treadmill. Soundtrack: Indiesouprunner.com - 2 hour marathon mix (hour 2).
Sunday, January 4, 2009
crispy cambridge air
Distance: 1.87 miles
Time: 17:59
Weather: Sunny, 35 degrees
Today I went to Goodwill and then a short jog around Central Square with a playlist culled from iTunes party shuffle. Ferry Corsten's "Rock Your Body Rock" was the first song on the list and it totally embodies my mood today. Compared to my sluggish 5.48 mile trudge through the snow around the Charles River and East Cambridge yesterday, this run felt buoyant and pandamonium-esque.
Time: 17:59
Weather: Sunny, 35 degrees
Today I went to Goodwill and then a short jog around Central Square with a playlist culled from iTunes party shuffle. Ferry Corsten's "Rock Your Body Rock" was the first song on the list and it totally embodies my mood today. Compared to my sluggish 5.48 mile trudge through the snow around the Charles River and East Cambridge yesterday, this run felt buoyant and pandamonium-esque.
I run with abandon, and generally without any possession other than an iPod or car key. I feel as though my luck and safety have been pushed, and I ordered a RoadID to tell people how to reach my emergency contacts should I be found unconscious by the side of the road/towpath/wherever I may run (though, if I am found thus next to my treadmill, I doubt the RoadID will be much help). It will be red and also reflective, and I will almost certainly only wear it on the towpath or at night.
Also, purchased a water bottle. It is called "QuickDraw," and I like it very much. I'd been thinking of carrying water my long runs, but I cannot abide a hydration belt. This jobby has a hand strap (adjustable), reflective piping, and a little zip pocket (with a key hook!) for those Shot Bloks I kind of like. Mine is black (boring, but it was my only option) and the pouch fits over my Asics bottle, too.
So here I am, attempting to make my runs safer from unconsciousness and dehydration, and without resorting to the hated vest or lame belt (or giving up the beloved iPod). Every bit of reflectivity helps, no?
I also bought five raffle tickets for that Boston Marathon bib number, per KQB's email. Cross your fingers! I have found a training plan on RunnersWorld.com just in case. It also says I should have started training last week.

So here I am, attempting to make my runs safer from unconsciousness and dehydration, and without resorting to the hated vest or lame belt (or giving up the beloved iPod). Every bit of reflectivity helps, no?
I also bought five raffle tickets for that Boston Marathon bib number, per KQB's email. Cross your fingers! I have found a training plan on RunnersWorld.com just in case. It also says I should have started training last week.
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