Monday, April 20, 2009


Having become the store favorite of the CW-X rep, I goaded him into giving me a sports bra recently, in which I promptly ran and loved (skeptic though I had been, the four-way tape did its job, no squishing or rubbing). Emboldened by the company's (and the rep's) kindness, I sold five apparel items (which is easy to do when one knows the specs and believes in them) to win any CW-X item I wanted. Basically, the premise of CW-X's technology is that just as a running shoe is designed to support the foot, so does CW-X athletic wear support muscle groups (using the same technology as kinesio tape). For my prize, I opted for the 3/4 Women's Stabilyx Tights, which combine core, quad, and hamstring support with knee and IT band support. And they came today!

Since I am sick (AGAIN, though quite possibly STILL), I will have to wait a bit to try them out. Reviews pending (since I mention it, I really love the Mizuno Wave Rider 12, and wear it daily, though I've only run in it once- I will almost certainly convert next time I need shoes; in contrast, I cannot bear to wear the Puma Velosis walking around all day, as it feels awfully stiff, but it was pretty okay to run in the few times I tried- have been waiting for decent road conditions to test it out of doors).

MAJOR congrats to KQB for her showing at the Boston Marathon today!

*both images from

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