Monday, August 16, 2010

back in the saddle

I'm aiming to start running 4-5 times per week in addition to track workouts and long runs to meet the following goals.
I've been bummed out for a few months because of how out of shape I've gotten. I put running on the back burner while doing lots of extra grad school and professional development work, so I'm about 10-15 pounds heavier and 10 minutes slower than I'd like to be (half marathon wise). I made a goal earlier this summer to drop the 10 pounds and 10 minutes by 10/10/10, but apart from two long runs and one track workout, I haven't done very much to pursue this goal. August may be half over, but there's still a lot of time before school starts to get back into good habits and out of the running doldrums.


Wendy said...

It's crazy how easy it is to lose fitness. I'm daunted on almost every run by the decrease in my ability (speed and endurance). BUT, after the hump of a miserable 3.5 miler in 95 degree heat and sun, my fitness feels like it's coming back. I have every confidence that you will, too. And I don't think it'll feel as tough once you're over your own hump.

Kristina Buenafe said...

Thanks! Glad to hear your fitness is coming back. Yesterday's run felt a lot better than any run I'd done this summer (was even able to crank out one 8:35 mile!).