After exclusively fun running all fall (after the Towpath 10K), I've been thinking a lot about what I might want to accomplish in 2011 w/r/t running, and have come up with some varied goals (per a Runner's World article's recommendation):
Skinny jeans by March. I've lost about 12 lb. since June (aided by a recent stomach flu). I think eating vegan has finally caught up with me, and switching medications might be helping, too. I'm not quite into my smallest clothes, but all my recently (within the last year) purchased clothing is too big. I want to see if I can get back into those jeans. If I can't by this time next year, they're out of here, along with every other slightly-too-small item of clothing (except maybe my blue silk BR cocktail dress, just in case).
Get my half-marathon time down to under two hours. My PR (from 2009) is 2:09,
run while on antibiotics after a patchy six weeks of training. Given a goal and the last six months of prep-work, I think I can do it. If I run the half in Cleveland again this May, I don't have to do much distance work in advance versus a full, which is ideal for winter-training (i.e., no very long runs in the cold and snow and/or no very long runs on the (beloved) T-mill). And if I don't make my goal time, then I can train all summer and into the fall for a faster time at a fall race.
Run 100 miles each month. I think this is a manageable training load. I work half-time (with a reasonably predictable schedule), live conveniently close to some very runnable
trails and
courses, and have a gym membership (when the garage gets too cold and/or for cross-training). I have no excuses.
Run a full marathon. This would be the icing on the cake (and I'd probably only do it if I meet my half-marathon goal in May). There are so many lovely fall courses and places that I'm sure I can find a race that suits me.
Soooo....some of these are long shots, but I think I can do it if I screw up my courage and motivation. Running with the club girls (though we're on hiatus and so I only see one or two regularly) has been a real boon, and I've been blessed with some
seriously amazing gear this fall. The pieces are falling into place for a great running year.
*image is from, which is where I purchased that lovely item above. So far, major props to the site for their immediate delivery and very inexpensive prices!