Sunday, June 7, 2009

race plans: summer and fall 2009

6/28 - New Charles River Run?
9/6 - Around Cape Ann 25K?
9/26 - Applefest Half Marathon
10/11 - Steamtown Marathon
11/8 - Seacoast Half Marathon?

race report: newton 10k

Distance: 6.2 miles
Time: 52:35 (note: not chip-timed)
Pace: 8:28/mile
Overall: 116/320
Gender: 32/169
Age Group: 15/64
Temperature: 70-75 degrees

Today I PR'ed by 15 seconds (would have been a few more if it had been chip-timed. I didn't think I could beat my previous PR of 52:50 (which came in February on a flat course)--training with the Heartbreak Hotties must be paying off! I am now tempted to do all my hill training in Newton as well. The hills out there are pretty vicious, and it'd make me improve a lot faster than my typical Cambridge runs.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009