Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Charlottesville Half -- April 9, 2011

Going to be running in this scenic half marathon in April. Time to get back in shape now that Spring is around the corner! Also how do we feel about a marathon sponsored by a kegger-beer (Miller Lite!) I am expecting some beer at the finish line.

My treadmill runs have been boring needless to say, though I've enjoyed playing with the inclines and speeds for easy-to-track interval training. I'll post the workout later this week now that I'm planning on being active-blogger James again!

Glad to see everyone back on the blog!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gym bunny.

I made it to the gym!  It's been a long month, resting up and taking time after my car accident.  In retrospect, the husband believes that the reason the driver's side window was gone was that my noggin smashed into it (I was knocked unconscious during the accident and kind of blurry after I woke up).  While nothing was broken, the bruising on my head was magnificent, and I have had occasional dizziness since then.  The husband was worried about me going and doing cardio, so we held off until tonight.

30 challenging minutes on an elliptical with no dizziness = success!  Just look:

ALSO, congrats to KQB on New Sights' 200th post!