Thursday, January 29, 2009


Tonight's A2 workout and my times next to the intervals:
1600@ 10k pace; jog an 800; 7:55
2x800 @ 5k pace; jog 400 in between; 3:43, 3:43
1600 @ 10k pace; jog an 800; 7:59
1600 @ marathon pace; 8:15

I'm improving. I like feeling stronger and having good running buddies to push me!


Wendy Cyphers said...

You sound fast and mighty. You guys run on an outdoor track in this weather?

May have to entertain being nice enough to someone to be my running buddy. You make it sound so cute.

Kristina Buenafe said...

Thanks! Hell no, it's indoor at MIT :)

That's funny that you say that, because you're way nicer than I am! Though, running endorphins make me a jumping pokemon vs. the super-B whom I turn into while teaching...