Sunday, March 15, 2009

race report: new bedford half marathon

Race Site
Distance: 13.1 miles
Time: 2:01:00 (watch), 2:01:29 (gun time)
Pace: 9:14/mile or 9:16/mile
Overall: 1446/1951
Age: 112/147
Weather: ~50 degrees

Mile Splits
1. 9:18:82
2. 10:02.86
3. 9:52.41
4. 9:45.59
5. 9:29.99
6. 9:21.51
7. 9:06.13
8. 9:00.19
9. 9:24.68
10. 8:58.46
11. 8:29.43
12. 8:42.15
13. 8:42.34
.1 0:0:46.32

Today I PRed, beating my previous best of 2:17:16 by 16 minutes. Not too shabby, considering that I went to a Pi Day party last night and slept about five hours. One of these days I'll find out how I'll do when actually sleeping 8 hours and hydrating properly!

During the first two miles, I started cramping up because of having eaten a banana too soon before racing and sulking because of the warm (and it's sad that I consider 50 degrees warm after a winter of outdoor running) weather. After tying my pink longsleeved shirt around my waist, I invented a new game for myself: focusing on the next pink article of clothing ahead of me and aiming to pass that person. I ran negative splits for the next six miles, slowed down a bit at a big hill, then ran more negative splits until hitting the last hill of the race. That hill kicked my butt--I started cramping up in the middle of that too. Near the end I started chasing this crazy old dude who started running near me at mile 8, but he surged ahead after the hill.

I'm psyched about improving so much this up: the Cohasset 10K on April 5. I'm hoping to bring down my half-marathon time another 16 minutes by the time the BAA half marathon rolls around on Columbus Day weekend.


run.happy said...

nice report back. whew. was it joyful?

Kristina Buenafe said...

Yup--but I got supersick a couple of days after. I'm recovered now, and I bought my Lululemon reward yesterday :)

James Tsai said...

wow! you finished very strong at the end. Great split times. Did you track those yourself, or were they recorded?