Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Have done that girl thing and slowed my training because I have begun seeing someone (in earnest, as it turns out). Luckily, we like to hike together, so we have made a pact to combat Easter candy-induced weight gain with weekly Metropark outings.

Also, I am so far back on track this week (having squandered the last two months of gym membership), running a very satisfactory five miles Monday night (I forgot how much I liked running in the dark) and another six tonight with the Striders (pacing between 8:45-9:15, and feeling strong!). I'm off early enough Friday afternoon to head for the towpath and try to bang out ten (twelve?) miles.

The plan is to run Cleveland successfully. James and several other friends/acquaintances are turning out for the half, and I think it will be good to see if I can, in fact, beat two hours. I've been speeding up steadily since last fall, so I think I can (if I choose mileage over cuddling the next three weeks). Then, I will add rowing and more mileage and swimming in the summer months, anticipating my first full at Columbus in the fall.

No matter whether or not I meet my goals, I will try to remember how powerful and sane the runs this week have made me feel, particularly when days are sometimes so craptastic.


James Tsai said...

let's do it!

Wendy Cyphers said...

Woo! I am waiting not to be sick to register, since it's $80 from now until the day of, anyway. We will have to coordinate closer to the day of (the boy wants to come and watch me run, so we have a ride if need be!).