Wednesday, December 30, 2009

cold running

Today (well, yesterday since it's 12:30 a.m.) I was going to run ~3.5 miles to and from the gym instead of calling in to change my membership. In spite of feeling like my ungloved hands were going to fall off during my walk from the T to my apartment this morning and hearing the wind knock everything around my apartment in a tornado-sounding tizzy, I did not put on enough clothing to handle the temperature (~-5 degrees with wind chill).

I saw a very apt comment on a fellow CRCer's Facebook post about the weather: something like "there's no such thing as bad weather, but there is such a thing as not wearing the proper clothing." Apparently I thought it was still global-warming time, or had dismissed the New England winter before feeling its true wrath.

What I Wore: Pearl Izumi tights more suited for 40 degree weather, shorts, Lululemon tank top, light Reebok longsleeved shirt, windbreaker, light gloves, headband, regular socks, sneakers.

What I Should Have Worn: Underarmour longsleeved Cold Gear shirt, thicker longsleeved shirt, regular sports bra, windbreaker, heavy gloves with handwarmers, windpants over the tights, SmartWool socks, sneakers, headband.

My run consisted of: 0.6 miles to retrieve Hoobaru, 0.3 miles to the T, and however long it took from Beacon Hill to Healthworks. After being pummeled by the wind for those short runs, I decided to take the T from Back Bay to Central and then ran the 0.3 miles back clutching a newly printed gym contract.

Tomorrow's another day...and I am definitely checking the weather before I go out!

1 comment:

k_webster said...

Minus 5 with wind chill... thats nice and toasty here! haha :)