Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My regular run.

Not that I've been doing it much (I'm not a fan of the snowy sidewalks, and it's worse when they get all melty and then re-frozen). I'm trying to embrace the treadmill, but mostly I've been out so much lately (read: drinking more) that I feel dehydrated and crappy. Despite the beautiful sunshine the past two days, I have barely ventured out of the house, much less at speed. I think the investment in badass tights, some serious wind-blocking business, will make me more likely to venture out. Maybe a full week of not drinking alcohol, too.

Anyway, here's my neighborhood run. The little zig-zag portion is two miles, the longer loop about 2.7. I run them in various combinations to achieve a run of whatever length I feel like on a given day.

I think a "blogidarity" race sounds great. If I am still stuck here by May, I will probably run Cleveland (at least the half, though if I get off my ass sometime this month, I may consider the full). But I am ready and willing to travel for races (having now learned the hard way that I need to arrive more than twelve hours before the race).

Struggling lately with my weight (it's not up a LOT, and it's not going further up, but it's also not going DOWN, even after big mileage weeks)- any advice on how to embrace the pudge? I've been trying to tell myself it's cyclical and I'm just on the higher end of my natural weight zone...

Also, having a really hard time motivating myself to get out and run at all. I've got the time, the treadmill, the route...I could certainly use better tights, but acquiring more stuff hardly seems the most fiscally responsible way to jump-start my winter training. Advice? Maybe we should have a weekly mileage goal, say 150 for all of us together and each do our parts to make up that total? That way, we can all kind of run "together," even if we're far apart.


James Tsai said...

those pants look rockin' wendy! I miss snowy cleveland runs. I enjoyed running around the university circle area, going down euclid, through little italy and through hessler ... ah, those were the times! we'll have to do a run here when you come visit next!

Kristina Buenafe said...

I think weight gain might be a winter thing too (our bodies telling us to keep warm). Have you gained muscle which is causing your weight to stay the same? I'm going to take your advice and hit the gym for weights and yoga :)

Wendy Cyphers said...

I think, truly, my body is still figuring itself out. A year ago, I weighed less after a dramatic and sudden weight loss (and was maybe half a size smaller) but didn't yet run. I lost another few pounds when I started running; the weight has been creeping up since racing in the spring.

I'm trying to resign myself to the fear that my weight in February was a fluke, that my body can't handle being that light. Some of it is surely muscle (but I have some skinny jeans I can zip, but should NOT wear).

Bought some bad-ass tights. Night run after work!

run.happy said...

i would be willing to contribute to a weekly mileage, but it will be probably just 10 miles at the most!