Thursday, December 11, 2008

CRC track workout

A1 & A2:
Carioca, weird jumping things, a-skips, b-skips, high knees, butt kicks, seals, walruses
3-4 x 1600 at 10K pace with 5:00 rest or 800 jog in between

I ran to the track in the rain and did 3 1600s:
#1: 9:19
#2: 8:30
#3: 8:41

At the end of the last one my stomach started cramping up--I wonder if it was because I didn't drink enough water today. I'm still having trouble pacing myself properly too. 8:30-8:41 is about my 5K pace now, not 10K. This is a good start though. I'm looking forward to the track workouts getting harder over the winter!

I ran for ten minutes to cool down and made the bad decision to walk a mile home without putting on the pants I'd worn over my shorts. The only pants I had other than the Quasar sweats I wore home from work were black sorostitute pants, and they had soaked up a ton of water on the run to the track. Three people yelled rude things at me in Central Square, and I wanted to kick them with my frozen legs.

P.S. At home I ended up not doing yoga...the two-a-days might have to wait until 12/23!


run.happy said...

what type of exercise is a carioca?

Kristina Buenafe said...

It's a grapevine.

run.happy said...

that is funny terminology.