Monday, March 24, 2008

The Little Engine That Could - Kristina's First Post

I didn't grow up with running as a family activity, as James did. In fact, one of my first experiences running a mile in penny loafers, a turtleneck and corduroy pants in the 5th grade made me terrified of it--why would I want to put my lungs and legs through such torture?

For a while, gym classes were the only occasions on which I ran. My friend Caroline convinced me to join the cross-country team in high school. My first forays into running began on short loops around my house and the only stretch of the Custis trail that I knew. Back then, 2 miles seemed like a lot. I ran with a pale pink & purple cartoon analog watch and cotton shorts, with the same beet-red face I'd sported in gym class for years, but running had morphed from torture to fun. I ran at practices after struggling through warmups and what felt like infinite sets of pushups in the lobby by Gym 2. I ran to just keep the second-to-last people within sight so that I wouldn't get lost on our longer runs (Dodson, Cherokee, etc). I made it through my first cross-country meet absolutely beet-red and wanting to pass out, but feeling incredibly satisfied as I pushed through the last big hill at Mason District Park. I still have that same feeling with every milestone I conquer (first 5K, first 10K, first ten miler, first marathon, first half-marathon).

I am bothered by the fact that I can't remember how many seasons (and when those seasons fell) I ran track (winter, spring, and cross-country), but I do remember loving the camaraderie of secret pals (I still have one of the locker posters that Kaylan made for me when we both did winter track), bonding on long runs, and of just being on a team. For years in college and after college, I ran by myself to escape the stress of school and work, graduating from Charlottesville scenery to Virginia bike paths as I moved from 12-song mp3 player to ipod nano. The ipod nano still accompanies me on long runs, but more often than before so do other people or just the sound of my own thoughts instead of the sound of Britney Spears' breathy voice over thumping dance beats.

I started my "run kqb run" blog because I wanted to get more serious about running. Back in 2005 I hit many running milestones, and I think that having a balls-out, give-it-my-all attitude helped with that. I'm excited about contributing to New Sights as well. I've only run with James and Sam once (a ten mile run in the summer of 2005), but I always enjoy the different perspectives and advice that they bring regarding running. My perspective is going to be like that of a girlie penguin chugging along in a running skirt and flowered headbands!

1 comment:

run.happy said...

Very cool. I can't remember how many seasons of track/x-c I did either.