Sunday, June 1, 2008

run with emily in the first hot weather of the year

Distance: 5.11 miles
Time: 46:08
Pace: 9:02/mile

Yesterday I had all of one glass of water during dinner and then couldn't buy any while standing in line for the Sex and the City movie, so I went to bed fairly dehydrated. I woke up this morning and had a glass of water, but that was not enough to not feel like I was dying all through the run. I'm glad that I ran with Emily though--I would have quit after two miles if I were alone! I also need to learn how to gauge my pace accurately. I thought we were doing ten minute miles the entire time because I felt so overheated/dehydrated.

1 comment:

run.happy said...

glad u made it back ok. take care now, ya hear?