Sunday, September 7, 2008


Have been plodding along as usual, slowly but surely. Generally making mileage close to what I want, but looking forward to a long run this week to be better on target. Have been cheered (and clothed) by Target's sale on athletic wear, so it will be with new sartorial vigor that I attack the towpath.

Am also terribly excited to go to Boston at the end of the month, partially to see the Red Sox, but also because Kristina and I have agreed to go on a run together! It will be "New Sights" in stereo!

Tonight, I will attempt to do some lifting and resistance training, get my core more in shape. I KNOW it is appropriate and good to cross train, and to cultivate muscles in places other than my legs, but have poor follow through in this area. I am publicly (i.e., now) making a commitment to do core/ab work and light lifting two to three times a week from here on out. You are all witnesses.N. B., photo obviously a Nike ad...

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