Monday, September 1, 2008

race report: cape ann 25K

Today I ran the Around the Cape 25K in Gloucester, MA.

Distance: 15.56 miles
Time (as determined by my watch): 2:34:45
Pace: 9:57/mile
Age Group: 42/56
Overall: 390/508
Time of Day: 9:00 a.m.
Temperature: varied from 65 to 80 degrees

The registration form describes the race as: "Challenging USATF-certified 25K (15.56 miles) course along scenic coastal Gloucester and Rockport. Ocean views and old New England villages with waterfront sections spread throughout the course. (Oh, and did we mention the sixteen major hills?) Mile markers and times, refreshment stations, post-race festivities, unique awards, cash prizes, raffle, and much more!"

The ocean views and quaint villages added a unique adorability factor (see also: toddlers spraying down overheated runners with hoses and families playing Eye of the Tiger out of their car stereos to motivate us). Adorability aside, challenging and hilly is right! We were warned of the hills beforehand, so I definitely started with the mindset of taking it easy, especially since my last long run was so bad. I also came in a little paranoid that I would be running alone for most of the race in a repeat performance of the 2006 Leesburg 20K, so I brought my ipod to accompany me. However, there was a good range of runners because of the Gloucester spirit (not just crazy running spirit).

The initial shade and frequent water stops made it much better than my long runs, but after mile 8 and many of the major hills, I started feeling quite bedraggled and discouraged. Adding to this was the biggest and most unexpected challenge--the course is not closed to cars. Some of the beach roads got pretty packed, and on at least one occasion, a cop pulled over a car for almost hitting a runner. One of the CRC guys mentioned that a runner next to him punched a car after almost being hit. I hated being smushed into the side of the road and the fear of being sideswiped--my slowest miles were definitely on the most crowded roads. One of the CRC guys ran with me for the last 1.5 miles. That totally helped my sagging morale--it's amazing how much of a difference a running buddy can make.

5:41.17 (last .56 miles)

Two CRC members won awards (one was second overall and the other won her age group). After the ceremonies, we headed over to the CRC president's parents' house for a yummy brunch of lobster omelets, lobster rolls, veggies, fruit, and cupcakes. What a fun Labor Day race!