Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Query: Winter Running

As winter descends upon Boston, I find myself missing long summer training runs. Yes, even those runs after which I am drenched in sweat and thirsting for Propel. I miss the salt on my Red Sox hats and the Champion sports bra tan lines. Headbands have replaced the hats and UnderArmour now covers up the sports bras.

Normally, I'd hibernate in the winter and hit up the YMCA treadmills, but I am hoping to be one of the ten lucky CRC'ers who gets a Boston 2009 bib without having to qualify. Bloggers: apart from clothing changes, how do you adjusting your race training in the winter?


James Tsai said...

Though you still need your endurance training with long runs, I take the advantage of indoor training by working on strength building. So more weights. Also, since I'm on a treadmill, may as well work on pacing and rhythm work. So, interval training coupled with gradient shifts up to 6 degrees is great to get that heart going.

Wendy Cyphers said...

I'm trying to think of the treadmill as a tool, not a punishment for living in Ohio. There are a wealth of workouts you can do on them (perhaps I should do a post of links) to make it more interesting.

You already run with a club (as much as I like to be alone when I run, having run with people recently got me out after dark in the sludge, which is better than sitting at home), so you know how others can be an inspiration.

I think strength training is key. I hope to use the winter to do more yoga and core work in the time I have since I've pared down mileage.

run.happy said...

Good q. This winter, I adjusted my "race" training by finding some people to run with. Otherwise, I doubt I'd make it out in the cold by myself.