Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I am supremely bummed that this delicious change in weather in Northeastern Ohio (it's like 6o today) and the attendant clear sidewalks and streets have coincided with a nasty head cold for me. Bleh.

But, I did NOT get the Boston number, so it's less worrisome to take a week off from running to recover. I guess I will just have to qualify.

Sooo...that means the Hermes 10-Miler (April 25th) and the Cleveland Half (May 17th). I'm thinking of this 30k (March 8th), just for fun (and to see if I can). Perhaps if it goes well, I may run the full 26.2 in Cleveland this spring!

Cross your fingers that the weather holds and I can get in a few runs out of doors this week!

1 comment:

Kristina Buenafe said...

Hope you feel better soon! Sorry to hear you didn't get the # :( Sounds like you have lots of great alternate options though!