Wednesday, April 21, 2010

race report: BAA 5K

Date/Time: April 18, 2010, 8:00 a.m.
Distance: 3.1 miles
Net Time: 25:03
Pace: 8:04/mile
Gun Time: 25:46
Age Group: 68/424
Gender: 343/2483
Overall: 1048/4239

Mile 1: 9:11 (8:28)
Mile 2: 17:18 (8:07)
Mile 3: 24:51 (7:33)
Last 0.1: 0:55

5K PR...yay! My previous PR was 25:16 at a UVA charity 5K in 2002 or 2003, at the end of which I wanted to vomit or jump in a pool. This race was a lot different, and I felt much better at the end.

The weather was pretty chilly and rainy that morning, so I ran from my apartment to the start in Copley Square to warm up. Finding the other CRC people, checking my bag (small backpack that I held in my hand on the run over) and jacket, and standing in the port-a-potty line took a while, so I didn't run again or stretch enough before the race actually started. I haven't tried to race a 5K in a while (Turkey Trots in 2008 and 2009 were more "family fun time"), so it felt odd to do so. The first mile felt awkward, but the second and third mile felt better. I'd like to work on my pacing so it's more evenly distributed (e.g., 7:45/7:45/7:45) and break 24:00 by Thanksgiving!

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