Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Too hot, I guess.  I like to run pretty empty-stomached and had finished eating by about 2:00 today.  Around 8:00, I had a fruit leather.  So by 10:00, I was sure I wasn't too full of food to run.  I set the (beloved) T-mill at 400 calories over 38 minutes, and felt pretty strong until just after the first big interval.  Queasy!  I hopped of with ten minutes to go.  Boo. 

Tomorrow, my window to run is something like 3:30-4:30 (garage sale clean-up/husband time, AM; James Taylor and Carole King with my mom, PM), which is likely to be HOTTER. 

Today's problems and tomorrow's solutions:

1. Heat- Okay, I can't fix the weather.  But maybe I can convince the Writer to haul out a box fan and position it for me.  May also try wetting my hair before I run.

2. Hydration- I had a couple of drinks last night (as I do every night lately, because I don't have to work!) and may not have properly re-hydrated throughout the day, especially for this kind of heat.

3. Sloshy belly- Eat more throughout the day.  I had a small breakfast and was STARVING by lunch, of which I then ate a ton.  I'd also been feeling some digestive upset in the morning; perhaps eating something gentler (or taking some Pepto) would have helped.

Still not feeling very confident about running on the roads, or about joining the running club.  Their next meeting is Tuesday, so I may just show up and ask some questions (and join the pre-meeting run?).  I could use some solidarity, I guess...they also have a slower division/sub-club.  They might turn out to be my people!

Now to shower off my shame...

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