Thursday, July 15, 2010


Tonight's 400 calories in 38:00 on the (beloved) T-mill was a success.  I barely noticed that I was even running.  It was still about 80 degrees, but the heat barely registered.  I've been blaming everything on hydration (and stepped up water consumption; I at least a liter of seltzer a day before I run (or bed if I'm taking a day off)) and the heat.  What I changed today was eating a snack about a half hour to 45 minutes before my run, which is terribly unusual for me (I like to run on an empty stomach or at least wait two hours after eating).  Could this be the lynch pin in my summer training?

I'm still calorie conscious as I've dropped exactly ZERO lb. these few weeks (while running 12-ish miles and netting about 1400- 1800 calories daily).  The birth control won't be out of my system (or even begun to be flushed) for another month, so maybe it's still affecting my metabolism.  I've taken to checking my body fat percentage a few times a week to see if my muscle mass is increasing.  So far, just establishing a baseline (about 30%).

Will put in paperwork to the gym tomorrow!  I hope it goes smoothly (as the membership is for us, but the funds are from a parental unit whose last name no longer matches mine), smoothly enough for an afternoon swim before dinner with the Spanish teacher!


Kristina Buenafe said...

Way to go!

Living like Laree said...

do you do any interval training also? it may help

Wendy said...

Yes and no. The (beloved) T-mill changes it up every minute and a half or so, and I'm sure my other authors are sick of hearing how I keep it fun with intervals (time them to the music!).

The "no" of it is that I'm just re-establishing a baseline of fitness, so I'm concentrating on being active (running, swimming, lifting), rather than actively training. The last time I jumped back into running from a hiatus, I dropped ten pounds in a month, so I guess I'm just surprised at the scale.