Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Updates (now that I have company!).

Did my old favorite five-miler in my mom's neighborhood yesterday on my way home from work.  I felt every single footfall...just so much effort to get through it and took 65 minutes when it used to take 45-50.  The legs felt fine, the weather was lovely, but my heart (quite possibly literally) wasn't in it.  I think I bonked due to nutrition issues.  I think WHAT I eat, and how much, seems right.  I'm working on the WHEN.

I am registered for the Towpath Half on 10.10.10, and am "training" to that end (my plan is to do it under 2:30, and upon completion, will reward myself with a Brooks Nightlife Jacket!). I've logged a few longer runs (7-9 miles) with the Turtles, and am sticking to an adapted training schedule from Runner's World and including lifting (ideally 3x weekly) and swimming (2-3x weekly).  A swimmer dude at my gym let me try his SwiMP3 player and I just ordered one for myself!  I love being in the pool as a means of increasing fitness without adding miles.  But I think I need to get serious about form and effort to reap those benefits.

Reading Brendan Brazier's Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life, and revisiting Matt Fitzgerald's Brain Training for Runners.  Also trying to get through Terry Laughlin's Total Immersion video and books (about the swimming form and all that).

My weight finally dipped a few pounds, so I'm down about 4-5 lb. total.  Most of my clothes fit better by now (scale be damned!), and I'm still hoping to legitimately fit into my skinniest jeans by Christmas.  Then maybe the Cleveland full in 2011?  Any joiners?


Kristina Buenafe said...

Cool stuff! Good goals too (running and weight loss)--skinny jeans will be a better reward than a number on the scale :)

Living like Laree said...

do you weight train aswell as run?

Wendy said...

I DO weight train (I mention the lifting in the plan), but I don't love it. Luckily, one of the Turtles belongs to my gym and we're sharing a lifting plan (she's training for a half in November) and we meet up when we can. I like the idea of cross-training and balance, figuring it means less likelihood of injury.

Lauren Fraser said...

Power to you! I'm aiming for the same goals. It's just finding motivation to get off my butt and run is hard. Good luck!