Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Registration for half-marathon achieved, and running well this week. I did, in fact, nail the twelve-miler on Sunday! I'm working on incorporating ChiRunning posture principles, and I think it helped me keep up my stamina and recover (also, free massages from a willing Writer help). Every other run (seven miles last Friday, five yesterday, four intense miles on the Tmill tonight) has felt arduous. I've gotten through them, at pace, but it's been an effort. Do I need more sleep? More water? I'm working on it...

Birthday gifts were all fitness-inspired! Future in-laws bought me some delicious Sugoi R+R Knee High compression socks (which I have worn after every run since, and my calves feel better, though it could also be improved posture and stride efficiency, a la ChiRunning). If I continue to be happy with them, I will consider a second pair (probably either these or these). A birthday check from my father will soon go (in part) to a membership at the local pool, so I can swim laps in the early morning. Also, the Writer gave me a water-proof case for my iPod and water-proof headphones so I can rock out while I swim (more importantly, so the last song I hear before I jump in the pool isn't stuck in my head for the duration of my swim).

More reviews when I have a better sense of how I like the CW-X tights (so far, I do)!


James Tsai said...

wendy, i am too signed up for the half this weekend. only got to do a 10 mile run on friday below my targeted pace race (ended up being around 10 min/mi). But, I am looking forward to coming back to cleveland!

Wendy Cyphers said...

Despite health foibles and anti-biotics, I still want to do under two hours. We'll talk closer to the day; find me at the Expo!