Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I did it!

I have "run" tonight!  I did the calorie-counter/weight loss function on the T-mill (roughly 3 miles over 45 minutes, so a lot of power-walking with some jogging mixed in), and I feel good (ankle appears to have healed- details below)!  I have been lax about running and swimming since about this time last year and am now lethargic, pudgy, and stressed.  Some of these things have other roots, but running will help ALL of them.

Here are the sources of the 15 lb. weight gain:
-got fired
-got engaged
-started new medication (is it too ew to mention that it's birth control known for causing minor weight gain?)
-started new (!) job, teaching high school (joyfully and maddeningly stressful)
-got married
-rescued a kitten (not really a factor, but she's super-cute!)
-moved to another county
-planned a wedding
-nursed desperately ill (with pneumonia) husband back to health
-got desperately ill with pneumonia
-sprained ankle and broke toe in April

Am taking June off and am back on track for my goals of shedding the dreaded weight (and lethargy, and complaints about said weight- it bugs the Writer).  I'm going to think about running the Columbus half (mid-October) and have the weight off by then.  I'll be going off this particular birth control at the end of the summer, and will try to have my mileage up to 20-25 mi./week by school starting (mid-August).

I leave you with a kitten:


Kristina Buenafe said...

Woohoo! Good for you :)

I'm doing a similar "get back into shape after 10 pound weight gain" thing...will be posting as well!

Wendy said...

Our lives are becoming parallel lines. Wait, maybe they're intersecting, since you live in my old city and I am just now a teacher. WHO IS BECOMING WHO?

(Am pretty sure it's not "WHOM" at the end there, too.)