Friday, February 13, 2009


Here are the free/promo shoes* I have been given because I work in the right place. In part, I am asked to review (particularly the Pumas, which matters less since the rep came and went today already), and to wear them around the store to attract customers' attention. I am already favorably inclined since they gave me shoes, so clearly, it's working!

I ran about four miles last week in the Pumas (Velosis, a high-end cushion shoe that will be available in June) and, while not converted, was pretty happy with them. More treadmilling and road-testing to follow (and a multi-page questionnaire they sent, which I am inclined to honor, as it accompanied free shoes).

The Mizunos are the Wave Rider 12, which I really like. If I'm not mistaken, they feel cushier than the 11. This is the man version, not because my feet are so big (though they are), but because the red detailing is SO much cooler than the lady colors.

More reviewing to follow, for those who run neutral or supinate (like me).

*I heard a rumor, too, that we were getting Under Armor promo shoes, in which I will not run, but wear to work to avoid running in all the really GOOD free shoes I get (not that the UA are bad, in fact the consensus is that they did a nice job first time out. The problem is that they're sending us just stability shoes- boo!- and really the UA are better suited for kids who have to run in practice for sports other than track).


Kristina Buenafe said...

How cool! I've only tried the one pair of Reebok pants (I don't have too much to write about them--they were pretty good and had a sizable pocket). Keep the reviews coming!

Wendy Cyphers said...

Yeah, I'm still figuring out the Pumas. A mile or two in, they feel pretty great, but I think they're a little stiff. Have to take them outdoors.

The Mizunos are too cute and I just wear them at work so far.

The CWX rep came in yesterday and I am promised sports bras. I fear tights are too much to hope for, but I was glad to have him go over the specs with me.