Monday, February 2, 2009

race report: super sunday 10K

I look like I'm floating!

Distance: 10K
Time: 52:50
Pace: 8:31/mile
5K split: 27:13
Overall: 320/723
Age Group: 73/212
(note: I think the placing is off. A bunch of superfast runners are listed at the bottom of the race results with only their 5K splits. Looks like their timing bands didn't pick up across the finish).

Yesterday I beat my PR of 55:22 (set in my very first 10K ever - 2005 St. Patrick's Day 10K in D.C.). I started the day off incredibly cranky. I had not hydrated or eaten anything other than half a pack of strawberry Clif Shot Bloks, and I was still residually cranky from my car accident the day before. My irritation grew when I realized that I'd overslept by half an hour and as I struggled to find all my stuff in my tornado-hit-it room. Luckily, the red line and silver line to Harbor Street were fairly quick. The bag check line was enormous, but I managed to get my bag checked right before 10:00 a.m. The race directors pushed the start back to 10:15 so that everyone could check their bags and patronize the port-a-potties.

I felt pretty miserable for the first three miles of the race. My legs felt tight because of my lack of stretching and warmup. Seeing and hearing multitudes of people passing by discouraged me (even though by mile 2 I was already going faster than I have in previous 10Ks--17:36). I hit the 4 mile marker at 36:51, which enraged me. I picked up the pace, passed mile 5 at 43:11 (which makes me think that the mile splits were either off by distance or by clock synchronization), then mile 6 at 51:14. I started racing a tall guy wearing a Patriots Super Bowl shirt (which also enraged me) near the end, which I'm sure he didn't appreciate. I wish I'd beat him--we both crossed at 52:50 but he got #319 while I got #320. Perhaps they rank by 5K split times?

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