Friday, December 26, 2008

good morning

Today I set off on a 20-minute run around 8:30 a.m., armed with a bandanna, Pearl Izumi tights, and a new Underarmour hoodie. Yesterday's 38-minute run (so far this break I've been tracking minutes rather than miles) had been an exercise in what not to do, aka eat spaghetti too soon before running), and I laced up my shoes with the expectation that I'd feel that sluggish again. The difference in mood hit me as fast as the cold air stung my hands and Fergie's voice boomed through my headphones.

Bounding along like a My Little Pony, I scooted through empty Arlington neighborhoods onto the W&OD. I thought of my VA blogidarity buddies, with whom I'd run these trails before, and vowed to say "good morning" to at least one person on the trail that day. I said "good morning" to an ipod and hat-bedecked lady and she just looked surprised in return. Five minutes later, a cheery old man biked toward me, waved and said "happy new year!"

1 comment:

run.happy said...

lol. i like that image - of engaging people instead of fearing them.